/** * @author Toru Nagashima * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license. */ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; } var path = require('path'); var path__default = _interopDefault(path); var Evk = _interopDefault(require('eslint-visitor-keys')); var sortedLastIndex = _interopDefault(require('lodash/sortedLastIndex')); var assert = _interopDefault(require('assert')); var last = _interopDefault(require('lodash/last')); var findLastIndex = _interopDefault(require('lodash/findLastIndex')); var debugFactory = _interopDefault(require('debug')); var first = _interopDefault(require('lodash/first')); var sortedIndexBy = _interopDefault(require('lodash/sortedIndexBy')); var escope = _interopDefault(require('eslint-scope')); var Module = _interopDefault(require('module')); var semver = require('semver'); var dependencyEspree = require('espree'); var sortedLastIndexBy = _interopDefault(require('lodash/sortedLastIndexBy')); var EventEmitter = _interopDefault(require('events')); var esquery = _interopDefault(require('esquery')); var union = _interopDefault(require('lodash/union')); var intersection = _interopDefault(require('lodash/intersection')); var memoize = _interopDefault(require('lodash/memoize')); function isAcornStyleParseError(x) { return (typeof x.message === "string" && typeof x.pos === "number" && typeof x.loc === "object" && x.loc !== null && typeof x.loc.line === "number" && typeof x.loc.column === "number"); } class ParseError extends SyntaxError { constructor(message, code, offset, line, column) { super(message); this.code = code; this.index = offset; this.lineNumber = line; this.column = column; } static fromCode(code, offset, line, column) { return new ParseError(code, code, offset, line, column); } static normalize(x) { if (ParseError.isParseError(x)) { return x; } if (isAcornStyleParseError(x)) { return new ParseError(x.message, undefined, x.pos, x.loc.line, x.loc.column); } return null; } static isParseError(x) { return (x instanceof ParseError || (typeof x.message === "string" && typeof x.index === "number" && typeof x.lineNumber === "number" && typeof x.column === "number")); } } const NS = Object.freeze({ HTML: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", MathML: "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", SVG: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", XLink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", XML: "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", XMLNS: "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", }); const KEYS = Evk.unionWith({ VAttribute: ["key", "value"], VDirectiveKey: ["name", "argument", "modifiers"], VDocumentFragment: ["children"], VElement: ["startTag", "children", "endTag"], VEndTag: [], VExpressionContainer: ["expression"], VFilter: ["callee", "arguments"], VFilterSequenceExpression: ["expression", "filters"], VForExpression: ["left", "right"], VIdentifier: [], VLiteral: [], VOnExpression: ["body"], VSlotScopeExpression: ["params"], VStartTag: ["attributes"], VText: [], }); function fallbackKeysFilter(key) { let value = null; return (key !== "comments" && key !== "leadingComments" && key !== "loc" && key !== "parent" && key !== "range" && key !== "tokens" && key !== "trailingComments" && (value = this[key]) !== null && typeof value === "object" && (typeof value.type === "string" || Array.isArray(value))); } function getFallbackKeys(node) { return Object.keys(node).filter(fallbackKeysFilter, node); } function isNode(x) { return x !== null && typeof x === "object" && typeof x.type === "string"; } function traverse(node, parent, visitor) { let i = 0; let j = 0; visitor.enterNode(node, parent); const keys = (visitor.visitorKeys || KEYS)[node.type] || getFallbackKeys(node); for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { const child = node[keys[i]]; if (Array.isArray(child)) { for (j = 0; j < child.length; ++j) { if (isNode(child[j])) { traverse(child[j], node, visitor); } } } else if (isNode(child)) { traverse(child, node, visitor); } } visitor.leaveNode(node, parent); } function traverseNodes(node, visitor) { traverse(node, null, visitor); } var index = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, ParseError: ParseError, NS: NS, KEYS: KEYS, traverseNodes: traverseNodes, getFallbackKeys: getFallbackKeys }); class LinesAndColumns { constructor(ltOffsets) { this.ltOffsets = ltOffsets; } getLocFromIndex(index) { const line = sortedLastIndex(this.ltOffsets, index) + 1; const column = index - (line === 1 ? 0 : this.ltOffsets[line - 2]); return { line, column }; } } class LocationCalculatorForHtml extends LinesAndColumns { constructor(gapOffsets, ltOffsets, baseOffset, shiftOffset = 0) { super(ltOffsets); this.gapOffsets = gapOffsets; this.ltOffsets = ltOffsets; this.baseOffset = baseOffset || 0; this.baseIndexOfGap = this.baseOffset === 0 ? 0 : sortedLastIndex(gapOffsets, this.baseOffset); this.shiftOffset = shiftOffset; } getSubCalculatorAfter(offset) { return new LocationCalculatorForHtml(this.gapOffsets, this.ltOffsets, this.baseOffset + offset, this.shiftOffset); } getSubCalculatorShift(offset) { return new LocationCalculatorForHtml(this.gapOffsets, this.ltOffsets, this.baseOffset, this.shiftOffset + offset); } _getGap(index) { const offsets = this.gapOffsets; let g0 = sortedLastIndex(offsets, index + this.baseOffset); let pos = index + this.baseOffset + g0 - this.baseIndexOfGap; while (g0 < offsets.length && offsets[g0] <= pos) { g0 += 1; pos += 1; } return g0 - this.baseIndexOfGap; } getLocation(index) { return this.getLocFromIndex(this.getOffsetWithGap(index)); } getOffsetWithGap(index) { return index + this.getFixOffset(index); } getFixOffset(offset) { const shiftOffset = this.shiftOffset; const gap = this._getGap(offset + shiftOffset); return this.baseOffset + gap + shiftOffset; } } const debug = debugFactory("vue-eslint-parser"); function isScriptElement(node) { return node.type === "VElement" && node.name === "script"; } function isScriptSetupElement(script) { return (isScriptElement(script) && script.startTag.attributes.some((attr) => !attr.directive && attr.key.name === "setup")); } function isTemplateElement(node) { return node.type === "VElement" && node.name === "template"; } function isStyleElement(node) { return node.type === "VElement" && node.name === "style"; } function getOwnerDocument(leafNode) { let node = leafNode; while (node != null && node.type !== "VDocumentFragment") { node = node.parent; } return node; } function isLang(attribute) { return attribute.directive === false && attribute.key.name === "lang"; } function getLang(element) { const langAttr = element && element.startTag.attributes.find(isLang); const lang = langAttr && langAttr.value && langAttr.value.value; return lang || null; } function isSFCFile(parserOptions) { if (parserOptions.filePath === "") { return true; } return path.extname(parserOptions.filePath || "unknown.vue") === ".vue"; } function getScriptParser(parser, getParserLang) { if (parser && typeof parser === "object") { const parserLang = getParserLang(); const parserLangs = parserLang == null ? [] : typeof parserLang === "string" ? [parserLang] : parserLang; for (const lang of parserLangs) { const parserForLang = lang && parser[lang]; if (typeof parserForLang === "string") { return parserForLang; } } return parser.js; } return typeof parser === "string" ? parser : undefined; } function getParserLangFromSFC(doc) { if (doc) { const scripts = doc.children.filter(isScriptElement); const script = (scripts.length === 2 && scripts.find(isScriptSetupElement)) || scripts[0]; if (script) { return getLang(script); } } return null; } const createRequire = Module.createRequire || Module.createRequireFromPath || ((modname) => { const mod = new Module(modname); mod.filename = modname; mod.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(path__default.dirname(modname)); mod._compile("module.exports = require;", modname); return mod.exports; }); function isLinterPath(p) { return (p.includes(`eslint${path__default.sep}lib${path__default.sep}linter${path__default.sep}linter.js`) || p.includes(`eslint${path__default.sep}lib${path__default.sep}linter.js`)); } function getLinterRequire() { const linterPath = Object.keys(require.cache).find(isLinterPath); if (linterPath) { try { return createRequire(linterPath); } catch (_a) { } } return null; } let escopeCache = null; function getEslintScope() { var _a; if (!escopeCache) { escopeCache = (_a = getLinterRequire()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a("eslint-scope"); if (!escopeCache || escopeCache.version == null || semver.lte(escopeCache.version, escope.version)) { escopeCache = escope; } } return escopeCache; } let espreeCache = null; function getEspreeFromEcmaVersion(ecmaVersion) { const linterEspree = getEspreeFromLinter(); if (ecmaVersion == null) { return linterEspree; } if (ecmaVersion === "latest") { return getNewestEspree(); } if (normalizeEcmaVersion(ecmaVersion) <= getLatestEcmaVersion(linterEspree)) { return linterEspree; } const userEspree = getEspreeFromUser(); if (normalizeEcmaVersion(ecmaVersion) <= getLatestEcmaVersion(userEspree)) { return userEspree; } return linterEspree; } function getEspreeFromUser() { try { const cwd = process.cwd(); const relativeTo = path__default.join(cwd, "__placeholder__.js"); return createRequire(relativeTo)("espree"); } catch (_a) { return getEspreeFromLinter(); } } function getEspreeFromLinter() { var _a; if (!espreeCache) { espreeCache = (_a = getLinterRequire()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a("espree"); if (!espreeCache) { espreeCache = dependencyEspree; } } return espreeCache; } function getNewestEspree() { let newest = dependencyEspree; const linterEspree = getEspreeFromLinter(); if (linterEspree.version != null && semver.lte(newest.version, linterEspree.version)) { newest = linterEspree; } const userEspree = getEspreeFromUser(); if (userEspree.version != null && semver.lte(newest.version, userEspree.version)) { newest = userEspree; } return newest; } function getEcmaVersionIfUseEspree(parserOptions, getDefault) { var _a; if (parserOptions.parser != null && parserOptions.parser !== "espree") { return undefined; } if (parserOptions.ecmaVersion === "latest") { return normalizeEcmaVersion(getLatestEcmaVersion(getNewestEspree())); } if (parserOptions.ecmaVersion == null) { const defVer = getDefaultEcmaVersion(); return (_a = getDefault === null || getDefault === void 0 ? void 0 : getDefault(defVer)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : defVer; } return normalizeEcmaVersion(parserOptions.ecmaVersion); } function getDefaultEcmaVersion() { if (semver.lt(getEspreeFromLinter().version, "9.0.0")) { return 5; } return normalizeEcmaVersion(getLatestEcmaVersion(getNewestEspree())); } function normalizeEcmaVersion(version) { if (version > 5 && version < 2015) { return version + 2009; } return version; } function getLatestEcmaVersion(espree) { if (espree.latestEcmaVersion == null) { for (const { v, latest } of [ { v: "6.1.0", latest: 2020 }, { v: "4.0.0", latest: 2019 }, ]) { if (semver.lte(v, espree.version)) { return latest; } } return 2018; } return normalizeEcmaVersion(espree.latestEcmaVersion); } function isUnique(reference, index, references) { return (index === 0 || reference.identifier !== references[index - 1].identifier); } function hasDefinition(variable) { return variable.defs.length >= 1; } function transformReference(reference) { const ret = { id: reference.identifier, mode: reference.isReadOnly() ? "r" : reference.isWriteOnly() ? "w" : "rw", variable: null, }; Object.defineProperty(ret, "variable", { enumerable: false }); return ret; } function transformVariable(variable) { const ret = { id: variable.defs[0].name, kind: variable.scope.type === "for" ? "v-for" : "scope", references: [], }; Object.defineProperty(ret, "references", { enumerable: false }); return ret; } function getForScope(scope) { const child = scope.childScopes[0]; return child.block === scope.block ? child.childScopes[0] : child; } function analyze(ast, parserOptions) { const ecmaVersion = getEcmaVersionIfUseEspree(parserOptions) || 2022; const ecmaFeatures = parserOptions.ecmaFeatures || {}; const sourceType = parserOptions.sourceType || "script"; const result = getEslintScope().analyze(ast, { ignoreEval: true, nodejsScope: false, impliedStrict: ecmaFeatures.impliedStrict, ecmaVersion, sourceType, fallback: getFallbackKeys, }); return result.globalScope; } function analyzeExternalReferences(ast, parserOptions) { const scope = analyze(ast, parserOptions); return scope.through.filter(isUnique).map(transformReference); } function analyzeVariablesAndExternalReferences(ast, parserOptions) { const scope = analyze(ast, parserOptions); return { variables: getForScope(scope) .variables.filter(hasDefinition) .map(transformVariable), references: scope.through.filter(isUnique).map(transformReference), }; } function fixLocations(result, locationCalculator) { fixNodeLocations(result.ast, result.visitorKeys, locationCalculator); for (const token of result.ast.tokens || []) { fixLocation(token, locationCalculator); } for (const comment of result.ast.comments || []) { fixLocation(comment, locationCalculator); } } function fixNodeLocations(rootNode, visitorKeys, locationCalculator) { const traversed = new Map(); traverseNodes(rootNode, { visitorKeys, enterNode(node, parent) { if (!traversed.has(node)) { traversed.set(node, node); node.parent = parent; if (traversed.has(node.range)) { if (!traversed.has(node.loc)) { node.loc.start = locationCalculator.getLocFromIndex(node.range[0]); node.loc.end = locationCalculator.getLocFromIndex(node.range[1]); traversed.set(node.loc, node); } else if (node.start != null || node.end != null) { const traversedNode = traversed.get(node.range); if (traversedNode.type === node.type) { node.start = traversedNode.start; node.end = traversedNode.end; } } } else { fixLocation(node, locationCalculator); traversed.set(node.range, node); traversed.set(node.loc, node); } } }, leaveNode() { }, }); } function fixLocation(node, locationCalculator) { const range = node.range; const loc = node.loc; const d0 = locationCalculator.getFixOffset(range[0], "start"); const d1 = locationCalculator.getFixOffset(range[1], "end"); if (d0 !== 0) { range[0] += d0; if (node.start != null) { node.start += d0; } loc.start = locationCalculator.getLocFromIndex(range[0]); } if (d1 !== 0) { range[1] += d1; if (node.end != null) { node.end += d0; } loc.end = locationCalculator.getLocFromIndex(range[1]); } return node; } function fixErrorLocation(error, locationCalculator) { const diff = locationCalculator.getFixOffset(error.index, "start"); error.index += diff; const loc = locationCalculator.getLocFromIndex(error.index); error.lineNumber = loc.line; error.column = loc.column; } const DEFAULT_ECMA_VERSION = 2017; function getScriptSetupParserOptions(parserOptions) { const espreeEcmaVersion = getEcmaVersionIfUseEspree(parserOptions, getDefaultEcmaVersion$1); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, parserOptions), { ecmaVersion: espreeEcmaVersion }); } function getDefaultEcmaVersion$1(def) { if (semver.lte("8.0.0", getEspreeFromUser().version)) { return getEspreeFromUser().latestEcmaVersion; } return Math.max(def, DEFAULT_ECMA_VERSION); } const ALIAS_ITERATOR = /^([\s\S]*?(?:\s|\)))(\bin\b|\bof\b)([\s\S]*)$/u; const PARENS = /^(\s*\()([\s\S]*?)(\)\s*)$/u; const DUMMY_PARENT = {}; const IS_FUNCTION_EXPRESSION = /^\s*([\w$_]+|\([^)]*?\))\s*=>|^function\s*\(/u; const IS_SIMPLE_PATH = /^[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*(?:\.[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*|\['[^']*?'\]|\["[^"]*?"\]|\[\d+\]|\[[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*\])*$/u; function processVForAliasAndIterator(code) { const match = ALIAS_ITERATOR.exec(code); if (match != null) { const aliases = match[1]; const parenMatch = PARENS.exec(aliases); return { aliases, hasParens: Boolean(parenMatch), aliasesWithBrackets: parenMatch ? `${parenMatch[1].slice(0, -1)}[${parenMatch[2]}]${parenMatch[3].slice(1)}` : `[${aliases.slice(0, -1)}]`, delimiter: match[2] || "", iterator: match[3], }; } return { aliases: "", hasParens: false, aliasesWithBrackets: "", delimiter: "", iterator: code, }; } function getCommaTokenBeforeNode(tokens, node) { let tokenIndex = sortedIndexBy(tokens, { range: node.range }, (t) => t.range[0]); while (tokenIndex >= 0) { const token = tokens[tokenIndex]; if (token.type === "Punctuator" && token.value === ",") { return token; } tokenIndex -= 1; } return null; } function throwEmptyError(locationCalculator, expected) { const loc = locationCalculator.getLocation(0); const err = new ParseError(`Expected to be ${expected}, but got empty.`, undefined, 0, loc.line, loc.column); fixErrorLocation(err, locationCalculator); throw err; } function throwUnexpectedTokenError(name, token) { const err = new ParseError(`Unexpected token '${name}'.`, undefined, token.range[0], token.loc.start.line, token.loc.start.column); throw err; } function throwErrorAsAdjustingOutsideOfCode(err, code, locationCalculator) { if (ParseError.isParseError(err)) { const endOffset = locationCalculator.getOffsetWithGap(code.length); if (err.index >= endOffset) { err.message = "Unexpected end of expression."; } } throw err; } function parseScriptFragment(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions) { try { const result = parseScript(code, parserOptions); fixLocations(result, locationCalculator); return result; } catch (err) { const perr = ParseError.normalize(err); if (perr) { fixErrorLocation(perr, locationCalculator); throw perr; } throw err; } } const validDivisionCharRE = /[\w).+\-_$\]]/u; function splitFilters(exp) { const result = []; let inSingle = false; let inDouble = false; let inTemplateString = false; let inRegex = false; let curly = 0; let square = 0; let paren = 0; let lastFilterIndex = 0; let c = 0; let prev = 0; for (let i = 0; i < exp.length; i++) { prev = c; c = exp.charCodeAt(i); if (inSingle) { if (c === 0x27 && prev !== 0x5c) { inSingle = false; } } else if (inDouble) { if (c === 0x22 && prev !== 0x5c) { inDouble = false; } } else if (inTemplateString) { if (c === 0x60 && prev !== 0x5c) { inTemplateString = false; } } else if (inRegex) { if (c === 0x2f && prev !== 0x5c) { inRegex = false; } } else if (c === 0x7c && exp.charCodeAt(i + 1) !== 0x7c && exp.charCodeAt(i - 1) !== 0x7c && !curly && !square && !paren) { result.push(exp.slice(lastFilterIndex, i)); lastFilterIndex = i + 1; } else { switch (c) { case 0x22: inDouble = true; break; case 0x27: inSingle = true; break; case 0x60: inTemplateString = true; break; case 0x28: paren++; break; case 0x29: paren--; break; case 0x5b: square++; break; case 0x5d: square--; break; case 0x7b: curly++; break; case 0x7d: curly--; break; } if (c === 0x2f) { let j = i - 1; let p; for (; j >= 0; j--) { p = exp.charAt(j); if (p !== " ") { break; } } if (!p || !validDivisionCharRE.test(p)) { inRegex = true; } } } } result.push(exp.slice(lastFilterIndex)); return result; } function parseExpressionBody(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions, allowEmpty = false) { debug('[script] parse expression: "0(%s)"', code); try { const ast = parseScriptFragment(`0(${code})`, locationCalculator.getSubCalculatorShift(-2), parserOptions).ast; const tokens = ast.tokens || []; const comments = ast.comments || []; const references = analyzeExternalReferences(ast, parserOptions); const statement = ast.body[0]; const callExpression = statement.expression; const expression = callExpression.arguments[0]; if (!allowEmpty && !expression) { return throwEmptyError(locationCalculator, "an expression"); } if (expression && expression.type === "SpreadElement") { return throwUnexpectedTokenError("...", expression); } if (callExpression.arguments[1]) { const node = callExpression.arguments[1]; return throwUnexpectedTokenError(",", getCommaTokenBeforeNode(tokens, node) || node); } tokens.shift(); tokens.shift(); tokens.pop(); return { expression, tokens, comments, references, variables: [] }; } catch (err) { return throwErrorAsAdjustingOutsideOfCode(err, code, locationCalculator); } } function parseFilter(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions) { debug('[script] parse filter: "%s"', code); try { const expression = { type: "VFilter", parent: null, range: [0, 0], loc: {}, callee: null, arguments: [], }; const tokens = []; const comments = []; const references = []; const paren = code.indexOf("("); const calleeCode = paren === -1 ? code : code.slice(0, paren); const argsCode = paren === -1 ? null : code.slice(paren); if (calleeCode.trim()) { const spaces = /^\s*/u.exec(calleeCode)[0]; const subCalculator = locationCalculator.getSubCalculatorShift(spaces.length); const { ast } = parseScriptFragment(`"${calleeCode.trim()}"`, subCalculator, parserOptions); const statement = ast.body[0]; const callee = statement.expression; if (callee.type !== "Literal") { const { loc, range } = ast.tokens[0]; return throwUnexpectedTokenError('"', { range: [range[1] - 1, range[1]], loc: { start: { line: loc.end.line, column: loc.end.column - 1, }, end: loc.end, }, }); } expression.callee = { type: "Identifier", parent: expression, range: [ callee.range[0], subCalculator.getOffsetWithGap(calleeCode.trim().length), ], loc: { start: callee.loc.start, end: subCalculator.getLocation(calleeCode.trim().length), }, name: String(callee.value), }; tokens.push({ type: "Identifier", value: calleeCode.trim(), range: expression.callee.range, loc: expression.callee.loc, }); } else { return throwEmptyError(locationCalculator, "a filter name"); } if (argsCode != null) { const { ast } = parseScriptFragment(`0${argsCode}`, locationCalculator .getSubCalculatorAfter(paren) .getSubCalculatorShift(-1), parserOptions); const statement = ast.body[0]; const callExpression = statement.expression; ast.tokens.shift(); if (callExpression.type !== "CallExpression" || callExpression.callee.type !== "Literal") { let nestCount = 1; for (const token of ast.tokens.slice(1)) { if (nestCount === 0) { return throwUnexpectedTokenError(token.value, token); } if (token.type === "Punctuator" && token.value === "(") { nestCount += 1; } if (token.type === "Punctuator" && token.value === ")") { nestCount -= 1; } } const token = last(ast.tokens); return throwUnexpectedTokenError(token.value, token); } for (const argument of callExpression.arguments) { argument.parent = expression; expression.arguments.push(argument); } tokens.push(...ast.tokens); comments.push(...ast.comments); references.push(...analyzeExternalReferences(ast, parserOptions)); } const firstToken = tokens[0]; const lastToken = last(tokens); expression.range = [firstToken.range[0], lastToken.range[1]]; expression.loc = { start: firstToken.loc.start, end: lastToken.loc.end }; return { expression, tokens, comments, references, variables: [] }; } catch (err) { return throwErrorAsAdjustingOutsideOfCode(err, code, locationCalculator); } } function loadParser(parser) { if (parser !== "espree") { return require(parser); } return getEspreeFromUser(); } function parseScript(code, parserOptions) { const parser = typeof parserOptions.parser === "string" ? loadParser(parserOptions.parser) : getEspreeFromEcmaVersion(parserOptions.ecmaVersion); const result = typeof parser.parseForESLint === "function" ? parser.parseForESLint(code, parserOptions) : parser.parse(code, parserOptions); if (result.ast != null) { return result; } return { ast: result }; } function parseScriptElement(node, globalLocationCalculator, originalParserOptions) { const parserOptions = isScriptSetupElement(node) ? getScriptSetupParserOptions(originalParserOptions) : Object.assign(Object.assign({}, originalParserOptions), { ecmaVersion: originalParserOptions.ecmaVersion || DEFAULT_ECMA_VERSION }); const text = node.children[0]; const { code, offset } = text != null && text.type === "VText" ? { code: text.value, offset: text.range[0] } : { code: "", offset: node.startTag.range[1] }; const locationCalculator = globalLocationCalculator.getSubCalculatorAfter(offset); const result = parseScriptFragment(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions); if (result.ast.tokens != null) { const startTag = node.startTag; const endTag = node.endTag; result.ast.tokens.unshift({ type: "Punctuator", range: startTag.range, loc: startTag.loc, value: "", }); } } return result; } function parseExpression(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions, { allowEmpty = false, allowFilters = false } = {}) { var _a, _b; debug('[script] parse expression: "%s"', code); const [mainCode, ...filterCodes] = allowFilters && ((_b = (_a = parserOptions.vueFeatures) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.filter) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : true) ? splitFilters(code) : [code]; if (filterCodes.length === 0) { return parseExpressionBody(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions, allowEmpty); } const retB = parseExpressionBody(mainCode, locationCalculator, parserOptions); if (!retB.expression) { return retB; } const ret = retB; ret.expression = { type: "VFilterSequenceExpression", parent: null, expression: retB.expression, filters: [], range: retB.expression.range.slice(0), loc: Object.assign({}, retB.expression.loc), }; ret.expression.expression.parent = ret.expression; let prevLoc = mainCode.length; for (const filterCode of filterCodes) { ret.tokens.push(fixLocation({ type: "Punctuator", value: "|", range: [prevLoc, prevLoc + 1], loc: {}, }, locationCalculator)); const retF = parseFilter(filterCode, locationCalculator.getSubCalculatorShift(prevLoc + 1), parserOptions); if (retF) { if (retF.expression) { ret.expression.filters.push(retF.expression); retF.expression.parent = ret.expression; } ret.tokens.push(...retF.tokens); ret.comments.push(...retF.comments); ret.references.push(...retF.references); } prevLoc += 1 + filterCode.length; } const lastToken = last(ret.tokens); ret.expression.range[1] = lastToken.range[1]; ret.expression.loc.end = lastToken.loc.end; return ret; } function parseVForExpression(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions) { if (code.trim() === "") { throwEmptyError(locationCalculator, "' in '"); } if (isEcmaVersion5(parserOptions)) { return parseVForExpressionForEcmaVersion5(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions); } const processed = processVForAliasAndIterator(code); if (!processed.aliases.trim()) { return throwEmptyError(locationCalculator, "an alias"); } try { debug('[script] parse v-for expression: "for(%s%s%s);"', processed.aliasesWithBrackets, processed.delimiter, processed.iterator); const ast = parseScriptFragment(`for(let ${processed.aliasesWithBrackets}${processed.delimiter}${processed.iterator});`, locationCalculator.getSubCalculatorShift(processed.hasParens ? -8 : -9), parserOptions).ast; const tokens = ast.tokens || []; const comments = ast.comments || []; const scope = analyzeVariablesAndExternalReferences(ast, parserOptions); const references = scope.references; const variables = scope.variables; const statement = ast.body[0]; const varDecl = statement.left; const id = varDecl.declarations[0].id; const left = id.elements; const right = statement.right; if (!processed.hasParens && !left.length) { return throwEmptyError(locationCalculator, "an alias"); } tokens.shift(); tokens.shift(); tokens.shift(); tokens.pop(); tokens.pop(); const closeOffset = statement.left.range[1] - 1; const closeIndex = tokens.findIndex((t) => t.range[0] === closeOffset); if (processed.hasParens) { const open = tokens[0]; if (open != null) { open.value = "("; } const close = tokens[closeIndex]; if (close != null) { close.value = ")"; } } else { tokens.splice(closeIndex, 1); tokens.shift(); } const firstToken = tokens[0] || statement.left; const lastToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1] || statement.right; const expression = { type: "VForExpression", range: [firstToken.range[0], lastToken.range[1]], loc: { start: firstToken.loc.start, end: lastToken.loc.end }, parent: DUMMY_PARENT, left, right, }; for (const l of left) { if (l != null) { l.parent = expression; } } right.parent = expression; return { expression, tokens, comments, references, variables }; } catch (err) { return throwErrorAsAdjustingOutsideOfCode(err, code, locationCalculator); } } function isEcmaVersion5(parserOptions) { const ecmaVersion = getEcmaVersionIfUseEspree(parserOptions); return ecmaVersion != null && ecmaVersion <= 5; } function parseVForExpressionForEcmaVersion5(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions) { const processed = processVForAliasAndIterator(code); if (!processed.aliases.trim()) { return throwEmptyError(locationCalculator, "an alias"); } try { const tokens = []; const comments = []; const parsedAliases = parseVForAliasesForEcmaVersion5(processed.aliasesWithBrackets, locationCalculator.getSubCalculatorShift(processed.hasParens ? 0 : -1), parserOptions); if (processed.hasParens) { const open = parsedAliases.tokens[0]; if (open != null) { open.value = "("; } const close = last(parsedAliases.tokens); if (close != null) { close.value = ")"; } } else { parsedAliases.tokens.shift(); parsedAliases.tokens.pop(); } tokens.push(...parsedAliases.tokens); comments.push(...parsedAliases.comments); const { left, variables } = parsedAliases; if (!processed.hasParens && !left.length) { return throwEmptyError(locationCalculator, "an alias"); } const delimiterStart = processed.aliases.length; const delimiterEnd = delimiterStart + processed.delimiter.length; tokens.push(fixLocation({ type: processed.delimiter === "in" ? "Keyword" : "Identifier", value: processed.delimiter, start: delimiterStart, end: delimiterEnd, loc: {}, range: [delimiterStart, delimiterEnd], }, locationCalculator)); const parsedIterator = parseVForIteratorForEcmaVersion5(processed.iterator, locationCalculator.getSubCalculatorShift(delimiterEnd), parserOptions); tokens.push(...parsedIterator.tokens); comments.push(...parsedIterator.comments); const { right, references } = parsedIterator; const firstToken = tokens[0]; const lastToken = last(tokens) || firstToken; const expression = { type: "VForExpression", range: [firstToken.range[0], lastToken.range[1]], loc: { start: firstToken.loc.start, end: lastToken.loc.end }, parent: DUMMY_PARENT, left, right, }; for (const l of left) { if (l != null) { l.parent = expression; } } right.parent = expression; return { expression, tokens, comments, references, variables }; } catch (err) { return throwErrorAsAdjustingOutsideOfCode(err, code, locationCalculator); } } function parseVForAliasesForEcmaVersion5(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions) { const ast = parseScriptFragment(`0(${code})`, locationCalculator.getSubCalculatorShift(-2), parserOptions).ast; const tokens = ast.tokens || []; const comments = ast.comments || []; const variables = analyzeExternalReferences(ast, parserOptions).map(transformVariable); const statement = ast.body[0]; const callExpression = statement.expression; const expression = callExpression.arguments[0]; const left = expression.elements.filter((e) => { if (e == null || e.type === "Identifier") { return true; } const errorToken = tokens.find((t) => e.range[0] <= t.range[0] && t.range[1] <= e.range[1]); return throwUnexpectedTokenError(errorToken.value, errorToken); }); tokens.shift(); tokens.shift(); tokens.pop(); return { left, tokens, comments, variables }; function transformVariable(reference) { const ret = { id: reference.id, kind: "v-for", references: [], }; Object.defineProperty(ret, "references", { enumerable: false }); return ret; } } function parseVForIteratorForEcmaVersion5(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions) { const ast = parseScriptFragment(`0(${code})`, locationCalculator.getSubCalculatorShift(-2), parserOptions).ast; const tokens = ast.tokens || []; const comments = ast.comments || []; const references = analyzeExternalReferences(ast, parserOptions); const statement = ast.body[0]; const callExpression = statement.expression; const expression = callExpression.arguments[0]; if (!expression) { return throwEmptyError(locationCalculator, "an expression"); } if (expression && expression.type === "SpreadElement") { return throwUnexpectedTokenError("...", expression); } const right = expression; tokens.shift(); tokens.shift(); tokens.pop(); return { right, tokens, comments, references }; } function parseVOnExpression(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions) { if (IS_FUNCTION_EXPRESSION.test(code) || IS_SIMPLE_PATH.test(code)) { return parseExpressionBody(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions); } return parseVOnExpressionBody(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions); } function parseVOnExpressionBody(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions) { debug('[script] parse v-on expression: "void function($event){%s}"', code); if (code.trim() === "") { throwEmptyError(locationCalculator, "statements"); } try { const ast = parseScriptFragment(`void function($event){${code}}`, locationCalculator.getSubCalculatorShift(-22), parserOptions).ast; const references = analyzeExternalReferences(ast, parserOptions); const outermostStatement = ast.body[0]; const functionDecl = outermostStatement.expression.argument; const block = functionDecl.body; const body = block.body; const firstStatement = first(body); const lastStatement = last(body); const expression = { type: "VOnExpression", range: [ firstStatement != null ? firstStatement.range[0] : block.range[0] + 1, lastStatement != null ? lastStatement.range[1] : block.range[1] - 1, ], loc: { start: firstStatement != null ? firstStatement.loc.start : locationCalculator.getLocation(1), end: lastStatement != null ? lastStatement.loc.end : locationCalculator.getLocation(code.length + 1), }, parent: DUMMY_PARENT, body, }; const tokens = ast.tokens || []; const comments = ast.comments || []; for (const b of body) { b.parent = expression; } tokens.splice(0, 6); tokens.pop(); return { expression, tokens, comments, references, variables: [] }; } catch (err) { return throwErrorAsAdjustingOutsideOfCode(err, code, locationCalculator); } } function parseSlotScopeExpression(code, locationCalculator, parserOptions) { debug('[script] parse slot-scope expression: "void function(%s) {}"', code); if (code.trim() === "") { throwEmptyError(locationCalculator, "an identifier or an array/object pattern"); } try { const ast = parseScriptFragment(`void function(${code}) {}`, locationCalculator.getSubCalculatorShift(-14), parserOptions).ast; const statement = ast.body[0]; const rawExpression = statement.expression; const functionDecl = rawExpression.argument; const params = functionDecl.params; if (params.length === 0) { return { expression: null, tokens: [], comments: [], references: [], variables: [], }; } const tokens = ast.tokens || []; const comments = ast.comments || []; const scope = analyzeVariablesAndExternalReferences(ast, parserOptions); const references = scope.references; const variables = scope.variables; const firstParam = first(params); const lastParam = last(params); const expression = { type: "VSlotScopeExpression", range: [firstParam.range[0], lastParam.range[1]], loc: { start: firstParam.loc.start, end: lastParam.loc.end }, parent: DUMMY_PARENT, params: functionDecl.params, }; for (const param of params) { param.parent = expression; } tokens.shift(); tokens.shift(); tokens.shift(); tokens.pop(); tokens.pop(); tokens.pop(); return { expression, tokens, comments, references, variables }; } catch (err) { return throwErrorAsAdjustingOutsideOfCode(err, code, locationCalculator); } } function replaceTokens(document, node, newTokens) { if (document == null) { return; } const index = sortedIndexBy(document.tokens, node, byRange0); const count = sortedLastIndexBy(document.tokens, node, byRange1) - index; document.tokens.splice(index, count, ...newTokens); } function replaceAndSplitTokens(document, node, newTokens) { if (document == null) { return; } const index = sortedIndexBy(document.tokens, node, byRange0); if (document.tokens.length === index || node.range[0] < document.tokens[index].range[0]) { const beforeToken = document.tokens[index - 1]; const value = beforeToken.value; const splitOffset = node.range[0] - beforeToken.range[0]; const afterToken = { type: beforeToken.type, range: [node.range[0], beforeToken.range[1]], loc: { start: Object.assign({}, node.loc.start), end: Object.assign({}, beforeToken.loc.end), }, value: value.slice(splitOffset), }; beforeToken.range[1] = node.range[0]; beforeToken.loc.end = Object.assign({}, node.loc.start); beforeToken.value = value.slice(0, splitOffset); document.tokens.splice(index, 0, afterToken); } let lastIndex = sortedLastIndexBy(document.tokens, node, byRange1); if (lastIndex === 0 || node.range[1] < document.tokens[lastIndex].range[1]) { const beforeToken = document.tokens[lastIndex]; const value = beforeToken.value; const splitOffset = beforeToken.range[1] - beforeToken.range[0] - (beforeToken.range[1] - node.range[1]); const afterToken = { type: beforeToken.type, range: [node.range[1], beforeToken.range[1]], loc: { start: Object.assign({}, node.loc.end), end: Object.assign({}, beforeToken.loc.end), }, value: value.slice(splitOffset), }; beforeToken.range[1] = node.range[1]; beforeToken.loc.end = Object.assign({}, node.loc.end); beforeToken.value = value.slice(0, splitOffset); document.tokens.splice(lastIndex + 1, 0, afterToken); lastIndex++; } const count = lastIndex - index; document.tokens.splice(index, count, ...newTokens); } function insertComments(document, newComments) { if (document == null || newComments.length === 0) { return; } const index = sortedIndexBy(document.comments, newComments[0], byRange0); document.comments.splice(index, 0, ...newComments); } function createSimpleToken(type, start, end, value, linesAndColumns) { return { type, range: [start, end], loc: { start: linesAndColumns.getLocFromIndex(start), end: linesAndColumns.getLocFromIndex(end), }, value, }; } function byRange0(x) { return x.range[0]; } function byRange1(x) { return x.range[1]; } function insertError(document, error) { if (document == null) { return; } const index = sortedIndexBy(document.errors, error, byIndex); document.errors.splice(index, 0, error); } function byIndex(x) { return x.index; } const shorthandSign = /^[.:@#]/u; const shorthandNameMap = { ":": "bind", ".": "bind", "@": "on", "#": "slot" }; const invalidDynamicArgumentNextChar = /^[\s\r\n=/>]$/u; function getTagName(startTagOrElement, isSFC) { return isSFC ? startTagOrElement.rawName : startTagOrElement.name; } function parseDirectiveKeyStatically(node, document) { const { name: text, rawName: rawText, range: [offset], loc: { start: { column, line }, }, } = node; const directiveKey = { type: "VDirectiveKey", range: node.range, loc: node.loc, parent: node.parent, name: null, argument: null, modifiers: [], }; let i = 0; function createIdentifier(start, end, name) { return { type: "VIdentifier", parent: directiveKey, range: [offset + start, offset + end], loc: { start: { column: column + start, line }, end: { column: column + end, line }, }, name: name || text.slice(start, end), rawName: rawText.slice(start, end), }; } if (shorthandSign.test(text)) { const sign = text[0]; directiveKey.name = createIdentifier(0, 1, shorthandNameMap[sign]); i = 1; } else { const colon = text.indexOf(":"); if (colon !== -1) { directiveKey.name = createIdentifier(0, colon); i = colon + 1; } } if (directiveKey.name != null && text[i] === "[") { const len = text.slice(i).lastIndexOf("]"); if (len !== -1) { directiveKey.argument = createIdentifier(i, i + len + 1); i = i + len + 1 + (text[i + len + 1] === "." ? 1 : 0); } } const modifiers = text .slice(i) .split(".") .map((modifierName) => { const modifier = createIdentifier(i, i + modifierName.length); if (modifierName === "" && i < text.length) { insertError(document, new ParseError(`Unexpected token '${text[i]}'`, undefined, offset + i, line, column + i)); } i += modifierName.length + 1; return modifier; }); if (directiveKey.name == null) { directiveKey.name = modifiers.shift(); } else if (directiveKey.argument == null && modifiers[0].name !== "") { directiveKey.argument = modifiers.shift() || null; } directiveKey.modifiers = modifiers.filter(isNotEmptyModifier); if (directiveKey.name.name === "v-") { insertError(document, new ParseError(`Unexpected token '${text[directiveKey.name.range[1] - offset]}'`, undefined, directiveKey.name.range[1], directiveKey.name.loc.end.line, directiveKey.name.loc.end.column)); } if (directiveKey.name.rawName === "." && !directiveKey.modifiers.some(isPropModifier)) { const pos = (directiveKey.argument || directiveKey.name).range[1] - offset; const propModifier = createIdentifier(pos, pos, "prop"); directiveKey.modifiers.unshift(propModifier); } return directiveKey; } function isPropModifier(node) { return node.name === "prop"; } function isNotEmptyModifier(node) { return node.name !== ""; } function parseDirectiveKeyTokens(node) { const { name, argument, modifiers } = node; const shorthand = name.range[1] - name.range[0] === 1; const tokens = []; if (shorthand) { tokens.push({ type: "Punctuator", range: name.range, loc: name.loc, value: name.rawName, }); } else { tokens.push({ type: "HTMLIdentifier", range: name.range, loc: name.loc, value: name.rawName, }); if (argument) { tokens.push({ type: "Punctuator", range: [name.range[1], argument.range[0]], loc: { start: name.loc.end, end: argument.loc.start }, value: ":", }); } } if (argument) { tokens.push({ type: "HTMLIdentifier", range: argument.range, loc: argument.loc, value: argument.rawName, }); } let lastNode = argument || name; for (const modifier of modifiers) { if (modifier.rawName === "") { continue; } tokens.push({ type: "Punctuator", range: [lastNode.range[1], modifier.range[0]], loc: { start: lastNode.loc.end, end: modifier.loc.start }, value: ".", }, { type: "HTMLIdentifier", range: modifier.range, loc: modifier.loc, value: modifier.rawName, }); lastNode = modifier; } return tokens; } function convertDynamicArgument(node, document, parserOptions, locationCalculator) { const { argument } = node; if (!(argument != null && argument.type === "VIdentifier" && argument.name.startsWith("[") && argument.name.endsWith("]"))) { return; } const { rawName, range, loc } = argument; try { const { comments, expression, references, tokens } = parseExpression(rawName.slice(1, -1), locationCalculator.getSubCalculatorAfter(range[0] + 1), parserOptions); node.argument = { type: "VExpressionContainer", range, loc, parent: node, expression, references, }; if (expression != null) { expression.parent = node.argument; } tokens.unshift(createSimpleToken("Punctuator", range[0], range[0] + 1, "[", locationCalculator)); tokens.push(createSimpleToken("Punctuator", range[1] - 1, range[1], "]", locationCalculator)); replaceTokens(document, node.argument, tokens); insertComments(document, comments); } catch (error) { debug("[template] Parse error: %s", error); if (ParseError.isParseError(error)) { node.argument = { type: "VExpressionContainer", range, loc, parent: node, expression: null, references: [], }; insertError(document, error); } else { throw error; } } } function createDirectiveKey(node, document, parserOptions, locationCalculator) { const directiveKey = parseDirectiveKeyStatically(node, document); const tokens = parseDirectiveKeyTokens(directiveKey); replaceTokens(document, directiveKey, tokens); if (directiveKey.name.name.startsWith("v-")) { directiveKey.name.name = directiveKey.name.name.slice(2); } if (directiveKey.name.rawName.startsWith("v-")) { directiveKey.name.rawName = directiveKey.name.rawName.slice(2); } convertDynamicArgument(directiveKey, document, parserOptions, locationCalculator); return directiveKey; } function parseAttributeValue(code, parserOptions, globalLocationCalculator, node, tagName, directiveKey) { const firstChar = code[node.range[0]]; const quoted = firstChar === '"' || firstChar === "'"; const locationCalculator = globalLocationCalculator.getSubCalculatorAfter(node.range[0] + (quoted ? 1 : 0)); const directiveName = directiveKey.name.name; let result; if (quoted && node.value === "") { result = { expression: null, tokens: [], comments: [], variables: [], references: [], }; } else if (directiveName === "for") { result = parseVForExpression(node.value, locationCalculator, parserOptions); } else if (directiveName === "on" && directiveKey.argument != null) { result = parseVOnExpression(node.value, locationCalculator, parserOptions); } else if (directiveName === "slot" || directiveName === "slot-scope" || (tagName === "template" && directiveName === "scope")) { result = parseSlotScopeExpression(node.value, locationCalculator, parserOptions); } else if (directiveName === "bind") { result = parseExpression(node.value, locationCalculator, parserOptions, { allowFilters: true }); } else { result = parseExpression(node.value, locationCalculator, parserOptions); } if (quoted) { result.tokens.unshift(createSimpleToken("Punctuator", node.range[0], node.range[0] + 1, firstChar, globalLocationCalculator)); result.tokens.push(createSimpleToken("Punctuator", node.range[1] - 1, node.range[1], firstChar, globalLocationCalculator)); } return result; } function resolveReference(referene, element) { let node = element; while (node != null && node.type === "VElement") { for (const variable of node.variables) { if (variable.id.name === referene.id.name) { referene.variable = variable; variable.references.push(referene); return; } } node = node.parent; } } function convertToDirective(code, parserOptions, locationCalculator, node) { debug('[template] convert to directive: %s="%s" %j', node.key.name, node.value && node.value.value, node.range); const document = getOwnerDocument(node); const directive = node; directive.directive = true; directive.key = createDirectiveKey(node.key, document, parserOptions, locationCalculator); const { argument } = directive.key; if (argument && argument.type === "VIdentifier" && argument.name.startsWith("[")) { const nextChar = code[argument.range[1]]; if (nextChar == null || invalidDynamicArgumentNextChar.test(nextChar)) { const char = nextChar == null ? "EOF" : JSON.stringify(nextChar).slice(1, -1); insertError(document, new ParseError(`Dynamic argument cannot contain the '${char}' character.`, undefined, argument.range[1], argument.loc.end.line, argument.loc.end.column)); } } if (node.value == null) { return; } try { const ret = parseAttributeValue(code, parserOptions, locationCalculator, node.value, getTagName(node.parent.parent, isSFCFile(parserOptions)), directive.key); directive.value = { type: "VExpressionContainer", range: node.value.range, loc: node.value.loc, parent: directive, expression: ret.expression, references: ret.references, }; if (ret.expression != null) { ret.expression.parent = directive.value; } for (const variable of ret.variables) { node.parent.parent.variables.push(variable); } replaceTokens(document, node.value, ret.tokens); insertComments(document, ret.comments); } catch (err) { debug("[template] Parse error: %s", err); if (ParseError.isParseError(err)) { directive.value = { type: "VExpressionContainer", range: node.value.range, loc: node.value.loc, parent: directive, expression: null, references: [], }; insertError(document, err); } else { throw err; } } } function processMustache(parserOptions, globalLocationCalculator, node, mustache) { const range = [ mustache.startToken.range[1], mustache.endToken.range[0], ]; debug("[template] convert mustache {{%s}} %j", mustache.value, range); const document = getOwnerDocument(node); try { const locationCalculator = globalLocationCalculator.getSubCalculatorAfter(range[0]); const ret = parseExpression(mustache.value, locationCalculator, parserOptions, { allowEmpty: true, allowFilters: true }); node.expression = ret.expression || null; node.references = ret.references; if (ret.expression != null) { ret.expression.parent = node; } replaceTokens(document, { range }, ret.tokens); insertComments(document, ret.comments); } catch (err) { debug("[template] Parse error: %s", err); if (ParseError.isParseError(err)) { insertError(document, err); } else { throw err; } } } function resolveReferences(container) { let element = container.parent; while (element != null && element.type !== "VElement") { element = element.parent; } if (element != null) { for (const reference of container.references) { resolveReference(reference, element); } } } const SVG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_MAP = new Map([ ["attributename", "attributeName"], ["attributetype", "attributeType"], ["basefrequency", "baseFrequency"], ["baseprofile", "baseProfile"], ["calcmode", "calcMode"], ["clippathunits", "clipPathUnits"], ["diffuseconstant", "diffuseConstant"], ["edgemode", "edgeMode"], ["filterunits", "filterUnits"], ["glyphref", "glyphRef"], ["gradienttransform", "gradientTransform"], ["gradientunits", "gradientUnits"], ["kernelmatrix", "kernelMatrix"], ["kernelunitlength", "kernelUnitLength"], ["keypoints", "keyPoints"], ["keysplines", "keySplines"], ["keytimes", "keyTimes"], ["lengthadjust", "lengthAdjust"], ["limitingconeangle", "limitingConeAngle"], ["markerheight", "markerHeight"], ["markerunits", "markerUnits"], ["markerwidth", "markerWidth"], ["maskcontentunits", "maskContentUnits"], ["maskunits", "maskUnits"], ["numoctaves", "numOctaves"], ["pathlength", "pathLength"], ["patterncontentunits", "patternContentUnits"], ["patterntransform", "patternTransform"], ["patternunits", "patternUnits"], ["pointsatx", "pointsAtX"], ["pointsaty", "pointsAtY"], ["pointsatz", "pointsAtZ"], ["preservealpha", "preserveAlpha"], ["preserveaspectratio", "preserveAspectRatio"], ["primitiveunits", "primitiveUnits"], ["refx", "refX"], ["refy", "refY"], ["repeatcount", "repeatCount"], ["repeatdur", "repeatDur"], ["requiredextensions", "requiredExtensions"], ["requiredfeatures", "requiredFeatures"], ["specularconstant", "specularConstant"], ["specularexponent", "specularExponent"], ["spreadmethod", "spreadMethod"], ["startoffset", "startOffset"], ["stddeviation", "stdDeviation"], ["stitchtiles", "stitchTiles"], ["surfacescale", "surfaceScale"], ["systemlanguage", "systemLanguage"], ["tablevalues", "tableValues"], ["targetx", "targetX"], ["targety", "targetY"], ["textlength", "textLength"], ["viewbox", "viewBox"], ["viewtarget", "viewTarget"], ["xchannelselector", "xChannelSelector"], ["ychannelselector", "yChannelSelector"], ["zoomandpan", "zoomAndPan"], ]); const MATHML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_MAP = new Map([ ["definitionurl", "definitionUrl"] ]); const HTML_VOID_ELEMENT_TAGS = new Set([ "area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr", ]); const HTML_CAN_BE_LEFT_OPEN_TAGS = new Set([ "colgroup", "li", "options", "p", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr", "source", ]); const HTML_NON_FHRASING_TAGS = new Set([ "address", "article", "aside", "base", "blockquote", "body", "caption", "col", "colgroup", "dd", "details", "dialog", "div", "dl", "dt", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "legend", "li", "menuitem", "meta", "optgroup", "option", "param", "rp", "rt", "source", "style", "summary", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "title", "tr", "track", ]); const HTML_RCDATA_TAGS = new Set([ "title", "textarea", ]); const HTML_RAWTEXT_TAGS = new Set([ "style", "xmp", "iframe", "noembed", "noframes", "noscript", "script", ]); 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const SVG_ELEMENT_NAME_MAP = new Map(); for (const name of SVG_TAGS) { if (/[A-Z]/.test(name)) { SVG_ELEMENT_NAME_MAP.set(name.toLowerCase(), name); } } const DUMMY_PARENT$1 = Object.freeze({}); function concat(text, token) { return text + token.value; } class IntermediateTokenizer { constructor(tokenizer) { this.tokenizer = tokenizer; this.currentToken = null; this.attribute = null; this.attributeNames = new Set(); this.expressionStartToken = null; this.expressionTokens = []; this.tokens = []; this.comments = []; } get text() { return this.tokenizer.text; } get errors() { return this.tokenizer.errors; } get state() { return this.tokenizer.state; } set state(value) { this.tokenizer.state = value; } get namespace() { return this.tokenizer.namespace; } set namespace(value) { this.tokenizer.namespace = value; } get expressionEnabled() { return this.tokenizer.expressionEnabled; } set expressionEnabled(value) { this.tokenizer.expressionEnabled = value; } nextToken() { let token = null; let result = null; while (result == null && (token = this.tokenizer.nextToken()) != null) { result = this[token.type](token); } if (result == null && token == null && this.currentToken != null) { result = this.commit(); } return result; } commit() { assert(this.currentToken != null || this.expressionStartToken != null); let token = this.currentToken; this.currentToken = null; this.attribute = null; if (this.expressionStartToken != null) { const start = this.expressionStartToken; const end = last(this.expressionTokens) || start; const value = this.expressionTokens.reduce(concat, start.value); this.expressionStartToken = null; this.expressionTokens = []; if (token == null) { token = { type: "Text", range: [start.range[0], end.range[1]], loc: { start: start.loc.start, end: end.loc.end }, value, }; } else if (token.type === "Text") { token.range[1] = end.range[1]; token.loc.end = end.loc.end; token.value += value; } else { throw new Error("unreachable"); } } return token; } reportParseError(token, code) { const error = ParseError.fromCode(code, token.range[0], token.loc.start.line, token.loc.start.column); this.errors.push(error); debug("[html] syntax error:", error.message); } processComment(token) { this.comments.push(token); if (this.currentToken != null && this.currentToken.type === "Text") { return this.commit(); } return null; } processText(token) { this.tokens.push(token); let result = null; if (this.expressionStartToken != null) { const lastToken = last(this.expressionTokens) || this.expressionStartToken; if (lastToken.range[1] === token.range[0]) { this.expressionTokens.push(token); return null; } result = this.commit(); } else if (this.currentToken != null) { if (this.currentToken.type === "Text" && this.currentToken.range[1] === token.range[0]) { this.currentToken.value += token.value; this.currentToken.range[1] = token.range[1]; this.currentToken.loc.end = token.loc.end; return null; } result = this.commit(); } assert(this.currentToken == null); this.currentToken = { type: "Text", range: [token.range[0], token.range[1]], loc: { start: token.loc.start, end: token.loc.end }, value: token.value, }; return result; } HTMLAssociation(token) { this.tokens.push(token); if (this.attribute != null) { this.attribute.range[1] = token.range[1]; this.attribute.loc.end = token.loc.end; if (this.currentToken == null || this.currentToken.type !== "StartTag") { throw new Error("unreachable"); } this.currentToken.range[1] = token.range[1]; this.currentToken.loc.end = token.loc.end; } return null; } HTMLBogusComment(token) { return this.processComment(token); } HTMLCDataText(token) { return this.processText(token); } HTMLComment(token) { return this.processComment(token); } HTMLEndTagOpen(token) { this.tokens.push(token); let result = null; if (this.currentToken != null || this.expressionStartToken != null) { result = this.commit(); } this.currentToken = { type: "EndTag", range: [token.range[0], token.range[1]], loc: { start: token.loc.start, end: token.loc.end }, name: token.value, }; return result; } HTMLIdentifier(token) { this.tokens.push(token); if (this.currentToken == null || this.currentToken.type === "Text" || this.currentToken.type === "Mustache") { throw new Error("unreachable"); } if (this.currentToken.type === "EndTag") { this.reportParseError(token, "end-tag-with-attributes"); return null; } if (this.attributeNames.has(token.value)) { this.reportParseError(token, "duplicate-attribute"); } this.attributeNames.add(token.value); this.attribute = { type: "VAttribute", range: [token.range[0], token.range[1]], loc: { start: token.loc.start, end: token.loc.end }, parent: DUMMY_PARENT$1, directive: false, key: { type: "VIdentifier", range: [token.range[0], token.range[1]], loc: { start: token.loc.start, end: token.loc.end }, parent: DUMMY_PARENT$1, name: token.value, rawName: this.text.slice(token.range[0], token.range[1]), }, value: null, }; this.attribute.key.parent = this.attribute; this.currentToken.range[1] = token.range[1]; this.currentToken.loc.end = token.loc.end; this.currentToken.attributes.push(this.attribute); return null; } HTMLLiteral(token) { this.tokens.push(token); if (this.attribute != null) { this.attribute.range[1] = token.range[1]; this.attribute.loc.end = token.loc.end; this.attribute.value = { type: "VLiteral", range: [token.range[0], token.range[1]], loc: { start: token.loc.start, end: token.loc.end }, parent: this.attribute, value: token.value, }; if (this.currentToken == null || this.currentToken.type !== "StartTag") { throw new Error("unreachable"); } this.currentToken.range[1] = token.range[1]; this.currentToken.loc.end = token.loc.end; } return null; } HTMLRCDataText(token) { return this.processText(token); } HTMLRawText(token) { return this.processText(token); } HTMLSelfClosingTagClose(token) { this.tokens.push(token); if (this.currentToken == null || this.currentToken.type === "Text") { throw new Error("unreachable"); } if (this.currentToken.type === "StartTag") { this.currentToken.selfClosing = true; } else { this.reportParseError(token, "end-tag-with-trailing-solidus"); } this.currentToken.range[1] = token.range[1]; this.currentToken.loc.end = token.loc.end; return this.commit(); } HTMLTagClose(token) { this.tokens.push(token); if (this.currentToken == null || this.currentToken.type === "Text") { throw new Error("unreachable"); } this.currentToken.range[1] = token.range[1]; this.currentToken.loc.end = token.loc.end; return this.commit(); } HTMLTagOpen(token) { this.tokens.push(token); let result = null; if (this.currentToken != null || this.expressionStartToken != null) { result = this.commit(); } this.currentToken = { type: "StartTag", range: [token.range[0], token.range[1]], loc: { start: token.loc.start, end: token.loc.end }, name: token.value, rawName: this.text.slice(token.range[0] + 1, token.range[1]), selfClosing: false, attributes: [], }; this.attribute = null; this.attributeNames.clear(); return result; } HTMLText(token) { return this.processText(token); } HTMLWhitespace(token) { return this.processText(token); } VExpressionStart(token) { if (this.expressionStartToken != null) { return this.processText(token); } const separated = this.currentToken != null && this.currentToken.range[1] !== token.range[0]; const result = separated ? this.commit() : null; this.tokens.push(token); this.expressionStartToken = token; return result; } VExpressionEnd(token) { if (this.expressionStartToken == null) { return this.processText(token); } const start = this.expressionStartToken; const end = last(this.expressionTokens) || start; if (token.range[0] === start.range[1]) { this.tokens.pop(); this.expressionStartToken = null; const result = this.processText(start); this.processText(token); return result; } if (end.range[1] !== token.range[0]) { const result = this.commit(); this.processText(token); return result; } const value = this.expressionTokens.reduce(concat, ""); this.tokens.push(token); this.expressionStartToken = null; this.expressionTokens = []; const result = this.currentToken != null ? this.commit() : null; this.currentToken = { type: "Mustache", range: [start.range[0], token.range[1]], loc: { start: start.loc.start, end: token.loc.end }, value, startToken: start, endToken: token, }; return result || this.commit(); } } const DIRECTIVE_NAME = /^(?:v-|[.:@#]).*[^.:@#]$/u; const DT_DD = /^d[dt]$/u; const DUMMY_PARENT$2 = Object.freeze({}); function getTagName$1(startTagOrElement, isSFC) { return isSFC ? startTagOrElement.rawName : startTagOrElement.name; } function isMathMLIntegrationPoint(element, isSFC) { if (element.namespace === NS.MathML) { const name = getTagName$1(element, isSFC); return (name === "mi" || name === "mo" || name === "mn" || name === "ms" || name === "mtext"); } return false; } function isHTMLIntegrationPoint(element, isSFC) { if (element.namespace === NS.MathML) { return (getTagName$1(element, isSFC) === "annotation-xml" && element.startTag.attributes.some((a) => a.directive === false && a.key.name === "encoding" && a.value != null && (a.value.value === "text/html" || a.value.value === "application/xhtml+xml"))); } if (element.namespace === NS.SVG) { const name = getTagName$1(element, isSFC); return name === "foreignObject" || name === "desc" || name === "title"; } return false; } function adjustElementName(name, namespace) { if (namespace === NS.SVG) { return SVG_ELEMENT_NAME_MAP.get(name) || name; } return name; } function adjustAttributeName(name, namespace) { if (namespace === NS.SVG) { return SVG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_MAP.get(name) || name; } if (namespace === NS.MathML) { return MATHML_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_MAP.get(name) || name; } return name; } function propagateEndLocation(node) { const lastChild = (node.type === "VElement" ? node.endTag : null) || last(node.children); if (lastChild != null) { node.range[1] = lastChild.range[1]; node.loc.end = lastChild.loc.end; } } class Parser { constructor(tokenizer, parserOptions) { this.postProcessesForScript = []; this.tokenizer = new IntermediateTokenizer(tokenizer); this.locationCalculator = new LocationCalculatorForHtml(tokenizer.gaps, tokenizer.lineTerminators); this.baseParserOptions = parserOptions; this.isSFC = isSFCFile(parserOptions); this.document = { type: "VDocumentFragment", range: [0, 0], loc: { start: { line: 1, column: 0 }, end: { line: 1, column: 0 }, }, parent: null, children: [], tokens: this.tokens, comments: this.comments, errors: this.errors, }; this.elementStack = []; this.vPreElement = null; this.postProcessesForScript = []; } get text() { return this.tokenizer.text; } get tokens() { return this.tokenizer.tokens; } get comments() { return this.tokenizer.comments; } get errors() { return this.tokenizer.errors; } get namespace() { return this.tokenizer.namespace; } set namespace(value) { this.tokenizer.namespace = value; } get expressionEnabled() { return this.tokenizer.expressionEnabled; } set expressionEnabled(value) { this.tokenizer.expressionEnabled = value; } get currentNode() { return last(this.elementStack) || this.document; } get isInVPreElement() { return this.vPreElement != null; } parse() { let token = null; while ((token = this.tokenizer.nextToken()) != null) { this[token.type](token); } this.popElementStackUntil(0); propagateEndLocation(this.document); const doc = this.document; const parserOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.baseParserOptions), { parser: getScriptParser(this.baseParserOptions.parser, function* () { yield "