123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- 'use strict';
- var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic');
- var $TypeError = GetIntrinsic('%TypeError%');
- var callBound = require('call-bind/callBound');
- var $indexOf = callBound('String.prototype.indexOf');
- var IsArray = require('./IsArray');
- var Type = require('./Type');
- var WordCharacters = require('./WordCharacters');
- var assertRecord = require('../helpers/assertRecord');
- var every = require('../helpers/every');
- var isInteger = require('../helpers/isInteger');
- var isChar = function isChar(c) {
- return typeof c === 'string';
- };
- // https://262.ecma-international.org/14.0/#sec-runtime-semantics-iswordchar-abstract-operation
- // note: prior to ES2023, this AO erroneously omitted the latter of its arguments.
- module.exports = function IsWordChar(rer, Input, e) {
- assertRecord(Type, 'RegExp Record', 'rer', rer);
- if (!IsArray(Input) || !every(Input, isChar)) {
- throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `Input` must be a List of characters');
- }
- if (!isInteger(e)) {
- throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `e` must be an integer');
- }
- var InputLength = Input.length; // step 1
- if (e === -1 || e === InputLength) {
- return false; // step 2
- }
- var c = Input[e]; // step 3
- return $indexOf(WordCharacters(rer), c) > -1; // steps 4-5
- };