utils.md 3.8 KB

Utils to work with AST


Returns details for a property name, such as vendor prefix, used hack etc. Using for safe test of declaration property names, i.e. Declaration.property.

var csstree = require('css-tree');

// {
//     basename: 'property',
//     name: '-vendor-property',
//     hack: '*',
//     vendor: '-vendor-',
//     prefix: '*-vendor-',
//     custom: false
// }

// {
//     basename: '--test-var',
//     name: '--test-var',
//     hack: '',
//     vendor: '',
//     prefix: '',
//     custom: true
// };

property() function normalizes a name to lower case, except custom property names since they are case sensitive. It returns the same immutable (freezed) object for the same input (input after normalization).

csstree.property('name') === csstree.property('NAME')         // true
csstree.property('NAME').name === 'name'                      // true
csstree.property('--custom') === csstree.property('--Custom') // false

var info = csstree.property('NAME');
info.name === 'name'; // 
info.name = 'foo';    // have no effect
info.name === 'name'; // true

Supported hacks:

  • _ in the beginning
  • + in the beginning
  • # in the beginning
  • * in the beginning
  • $ in the beginning
  • / in the beginning
  • // in the beginning


Mostly the same as property() function, but without hack detection. Using for any identifier except declaration property name.

var csstree = require('css-tree');

// {
//     basename: 'keyword',
//     name: '-vendor-keyword',
//     vendor: '-vendor-',
//     prefix: '-vendor-',
//     custom: false
// };


Make AST deep copy.

var orig = csstree.parse('.test { color: red }');
var copy = csstree.clone(orig);

csstree.walk(copy, function(node) {
    if (node.type === 'Class') {
        node.name = 'replaced';

// .test{color:red}
// .replaced{color:red}


fromPlainObject() walks through AST and coverts each children value into a List instance when value is an array.

var csstree = require('css-tree');
var ast = {
    type: 'SelectorList',
    children: []

console.log(Array.isArray(ast.children));          // true
console.log(ast.children instanceof csstree.List); // false

ast = csstree.fromPlainObject(ast);

console.log(Array.isArray(ast.children));          // false
console.log(ast.children instanceof csstree.List); // true

Function mutates the passed AST. Use clone() function before passing AST to fromPlainObject() in case you want to avoid original tree mutation.

astClone = csstree.fromPlainObject(csstree.clone(ast));


fromPlainObject() walks through AST and coverts each children value to regular array when value is a List instance.

var csstree = require('css-tree');
var ast = {
    type: 'SelectorList',
    children: new List()

console.log(Array.isArray(ast.children));          // false
console.log(ast.children instanceof csstree.List); // true

ast = csstree.toPlainObject(ast);

console.log(Array.isArray(ast.children));          // true
console.log(ast.children instanceof csstree.List); // false

Function mutates the passed AST. Use clone() function before passing AST to toPlainObject() in case you want to avoid original tree mutation.

ast = csstree.toPlainObject(csstree.clone(ast));