All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
- istanbul-reports: Revert to istanbul-reports@2.2.4
- istanbul-reports: Remove isRoot check causing incorrect report formatting (#66). (#382) (df6e994)
Note: Version bump only for package istanbul-reports
- Initialize cols for HTML report sorting (#369) (28f61de)
Note: Version bump only for package istanbul-reports
Note: Version bump only for package istanbul-reports
- update dependendencies due to vulnerabilities (#294) (4c14fed)
- istanbul-reports: Enable keyboard shortcuts on HTML report file listing view (#265) (f49b355)
- functionMap is sometimes missing a key from functions (#253) (399f215)
- clover report metrics must be an inline xml element (#226) (e290c95), closes #13
Note: Version bump only for package istanbul-reports
- Specify node >= 6 in istanbul-reports. (#197) (5810c38)
- ability to skip rows with full coverage (#170) (bbcdc07)
- added named anchors to code coverage line numbers. (#149) (98e1c50)
- update fixtures to reflect new heading (36801d3)
- add skip-empty option for html & text reports (#140) (d2a4262)
- add uncovered block navigation (#136) (c798930)
- changed column header from "Uncovered Lines" to "Uncovered Line #s" (#138) (7ba7760)
Note: Version bump only for package istanbul-reports
- prevent branch highlighting from extending pass the end of a line (#80) (f490377)
- once 100% line coverage is achieved, missing branch coverage is now shown in text report (#45) (8a809f8)
- windows: preserve escape char of json-summary key path (4d71d5e)
- fail gracefully if structuredText[startLine] is undefined (#10) (bed1d13)
- preserve escape char of json key path on Windows (#12) (4e5266e)
- skip branch if meta does not exist (fixes speedskater/babel-plugin-rewire#165) (#11) (62bae2f)
- Teamcity reporter modified to send proper coverage values (#8) (4147f50)