123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748 |
- /**
- * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- */
- /// <reference types="node" />
- import { JestFakeTimers as FakeTimers } from '@jest/fake-timers';
- import { BufferedConsole, CustomConsole, NullConsole } from '@jest/console';
- import { formatTestResults } from '@jest/test-result';
- import createDirectory from './createDirectory';
- import ErrorWithStack from './ErrorWithStack';
- import getFailedSnapshotTests from './getFailedSnapshotTests';
- import installCommonGlobals from './installCommonGlobals';
- import interopRequireDefault from './interopRequireDefault';
- import deepCyclicCopy from './deepCyclicCopy';
- import convertDescriptorToString from './convertDescriptorToString';
- import * as specialChars from './specialChars';
- import replacePathSepForGlob from './replacePathSepForGlob';
- import * as preRunMessage from './preRunMessage';
- import pluralize from './pluralize';
- declare const _default: {
- BufferedConsole: typeof BufferedConsole;
- Console: typeof CustomConsole;
- ErrorWithStack: typeof ErrorWithStack;
- FakeTimers: typeof FakeTimers;
- NullConsole: typeof NullConsole;
- clearLine: (stream: NodeJS.WritableStream) => void;
- convertDescriptorToString: typeof convertDescriptorToString;
- createDirectory: typeof createDirectory;
- deepCyclicCopy: typeof deepCyclicCopy;
- formatTestResults: typeof formatTestResults;
- getCallsite: (level: number, sourceMaps?: Record<string, string> | null | undefined) => import("callsites").CallSite;
- getConsoleOutput: (root: string, verbose: boolean, buffer: import("@jest/console/build/types").LogEntry[]) => string;
- getFailedSnapshotTests: typeof getFailedSnapshotTests;
- installCommonGlobals: typeof installCommonGlobals;
- interopRequireDefault: typeof interopRequireDefault;
- isInteractive: boolean;
- isPromise: (candidate: unknown) => candidate is Promise<unknown>;
- pluralize: typeof pluralize;
- preRunMessage: typeof preRunMessage;
- replacePathSepForGlob: typeof replacePathSepForGlob;
- setGlobal: (globalToMutate: NodeJS.Global | Window, key: string, value: unknown) => void;
- specialChars: typeof specialChars;
- testPathPatternToRegExp: (testPathPattern: string) => RegExp;
- };
- export = _default;
- //# sourceMappingURL=index.d.ts.map