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Omelette is a simple, template based autocompletion tool for Node projects with super easy API.
yarn add omelette
# or
npm install omelette
You just have to decide your program name and CLI fragments.
omelette`github ${['pull', 'push']} ${['origin', 'upstream']} ${['master', 'develop']}`.init()
And you are almost done! The output will be like this:
Implementing omelette is very easy.
import * as omelette from 'omelette';
const firstArgument = ({ reply }) => {
reply([ 'beautiful', 'cruel', 'far' ])
const planet = ({ reply }) => {
reply([ 'world', 'mars', 'pluto' ])
omelette`hello|hi ${firstArgument} ${planet}`.init()
It's based on a simple CLI template.
Let's think we have a executable file with the name githubber, in a global path.
And in our program, code will be:
import * as omelette from 'omelette';
// Write your CLI template.
const completion = omelette(`githubber|gh <action> <user> <repo>`);
// Bind events for every template part.
completion.on('action', ({ reply }) => {
reply([ 'clone', 'update', 'push' ])
completion.on('user', ({ reply }) => {
completion.on('repo', ({ before, reply }) => {
// Initialize the omelette.
// If you want to have a setup feature, you can use `omeletteInstance.setupShellInitFile()` function.
if (~process.argv.indexOf('--setup')) {
// Rest is yours
console.log("Your program's default workflow.")
is the completion replier. You must pass the options into that method.
You can use Template Literals to define your completion with a simpler (super easy) API.
import * as omelette from 'omelette';
// Just pass a template literal to use super easy API.
omelette`hello ${[ 'cruel', 'nice' ]} ${[ 'world', 'mars' ]}`.init()
Let's make the example above with ES6 TL:
import * as omelette from 'omelette'
// Write your CLI template.
${[ 'clone', 'update', 'push' ]}
${() => fs.readdirSync('/Users/')}
${({ before }) => [
Also you can still use lambda functions to make more complex template literals:
import * as omelette from 'omelette';
${['pull', 'push', 'star'] /* Direct command list */}
${require('some/other/commands') /* Import from another file */}
${getFromRemote('http://api.example.com/commands') /* Remote call at the beginning */}
${({ reply }) => fetch('http://api.example.com/lazy-commands').then(reply) /* Fetch when argument <tab>bed */}
${() => fs.readdirSync("/Users/") /* Access filesystem via Node */}
${({ before }) => [ /* Use parameters like `before`, `line`, `fragment` or `reply` */
// No extra configuration required.
console.log("Your program's default workflow.")
You can use simple objects
as autocompletion definitions:
cruel: ['world', 'moon'],
beautiful: ['mars', 'pluto']
Installing, and making your users install the autocompletion feature is very simple.
You can use simply use setupShellInitFile
// If you want to write file,
If you use Bash, it will create a file at ~/.<program-name>/completion.sh
append a loader code to ~/.bash_profile
If you use Zsh, it appends a loader code to ~/.zshrc
If you use Fish, it appends a loader code to ~/.config/fish/config.fish
TL;DR: It does the Manual Install part, basically.
(You should add these instructions to your project's README)
In zsh, you can write these:
echo '. <(./githubber --completion)' >> .zshrc
In bash, you should write:
./githubber --completion >> ~/githubber.completion.sh
echo 'source ~/githubber.completion.sh' >> .bash_profile
In fish, you can write:
echo 'githubber --completion-fish | source' >> ~/.config/fish/config.fish
That's all!
Now you have an autocompletion system for your CLI tool.
There are some useful additions for omelette.
Callbacks have two parameters:
of <command>
template) (only in global event)fragment
: The number of fragment.before
: The previous word.line
: The whole command line buffer allow you to parse and reply as you wish.reply
: This is the reply function to use this-less API.You also can be able to listen all fragments by "complete" event.
complete.on('complete', (fragment, { reply }) => reply(["hello", "world"]));
You also can listen events by its order.
complete.on('$1', ({ reply }) => reply(["hello", "world"]))
You can create completion tree to more complex autocompletions.
how: {
much: {
is: {
this: ['car'],
that: ['house'],
are: ['you'],
many: ['cars', 'houses'],
where: {
are: {
you: ['from'],
the: ['houses', 'cars'],
is: {
// You can also add some logic with defining functions:
your() {
return ['house', 'car'];
Now you will be able to use your completion as tree.
Thanks @jblandry for the idea.
You can seperate your autocompletion by importing objects from another file:
You can set short name of an executable:
In this example, githubber
is long and gh
is shorter examples.
omelette('githubber|gh <module> <command> <suboption>');
Now, you can try it in your shell.
git clone https://github.com/f/omelette
cd omelette/example
alias githubber="./githubber" # The app should be global, completion will search it on global level.
./githubber --setup --debug # --setup is not provided by omelette, you should proxy it.
# (reload bash, or source ~/.bash_profile or ~/.config/fish/config.fish)
omelette-debug-githubber # See Debugging section
ghb<tab> # short alias
gh<tab> # short alias
option generates a function called omlette-debug-<programname>
in this example).
When you run omlette-debug-<programname>
, it will create aliases for your
application. (githubber
and gh
in this example).
Long name,
$ githubber<tab>
clone update push
Or short name:
$ gh<tab>
clone update push
Then you can start easily.
$ ./githubber<tab>
clone update push
$ ./githubber cl<tab>
$ ./githubber clone<tab>
Guest fka
$ ./githubber clone fka<tab>
$ ./githubber clone fka http://github.com/fka/<tab>
Windows Azure uses Omelette to support autocompletion in azure-cli.
I need your contributions to make that work better!
This project licensed under MIT.