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- /**
- * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- *
- */
- import { Jasmine, AssertionErrorWithStack, Reporter, Spy } from '../types';
- import Spec from './Spec';
- import Suite from './Suite';
- export default function (j$: Jasmine): {
- new (_options?: object | undefined): {
- specFilter: (spec: Spec) => boolean;
- catchExceptions: (value: unknown) => boolean;
- throwOnExpectationFailure: (value: unknown) => void;
- catchingExceptions: () => boolean;
- topSuite: () => Suite;
- fail: (error: Error | AssertionErrorWithStack) => void;
- pending: (message: string) => void;
- afterAll: (afterAllFunction: (done: (error?: any) => void) => void, timeout?: number | undefined) => void;
- fit: (description: string, fn: (done: (error?: any) => void) => void, timeout?: number | undefined) => void;
- throwingExpectationFailures: () => boolean;
- randomizeTests: (value: unknown) => void;
- randomTests: () => boolean;
- seed: (value: unknown) => unknown;
- execute: (runnablesToRun: string[], suiteTree?: Suite | undefined) => Promise<void>;
- fdescribe: (description: string, specDefinitions: Function) => Suite;
- spyOn: (obj: Record<string, any>, methodName: string, accessType?: "configurable" | "enumerable" | "value" | "writable" | "get" | "set" | undefined) => Spy;
- beforeEach: (beforeEachFunction: (done: (error?: any) => void) => void, timeout?: number | undefined) => void;
- afterEach: (afterEachFunction: (done: (error?: any) => void) => void, timeout?: number | undefined) => void;
- clearReporters: () => void;
- addReporter: (reporterToAdd: Reporter) => void;
- it: (description: string, fn: (done: (error?: any) => void) => void, timeout?: number | undefined) => Spec;
- xdescribe: (description: string, specDefinitions: Function) => Suite;
- xit: (description: string, fn: (done: (error?: any) => void) => void, timeout?: number | undefined) => any;
- beforeAll: (beforeAllFunction: (done: (error?: any) => void) => void, timeout?: number | undefined) => void;
- todo: () => Spec;
- provideFallbackReporter: (reporterToAdd: Reporter) => void;
- allowRespy: (allow: boolean) => void;
- describe: (description: string, specDefinitions: Function) => Suite;
- };
- };
- //# sourceMappingURL=Env.d.ts.map