caoge c760052ff9 机车状态修改 před 8 měsíci
core-js-compat c760052ff9 机车状态修改 před 8 měsíci
esm c760052ff9 机车状态修改 před 8 měsíci
lib c760052ff9 机车状态修改 před 8 měsíci
LICENSE c760052ff9 机车状态修改 před 8 měsíci c760052ff9 机车状态修改 před 8 měsíci
package.json c760052ff9 机车状态修改 před 8 měsíci



Using npm:

npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3

or using yarn:

yarn add babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3 --dev


Add this plugin to your Babel configuration:

  "plugins": [["polyfill-corejs3", { "method": "usage-global", "version": "3.20" }]]

This package supports the usage-pure, usage-global, and entry-global methods. When entry-global is used, it replaces imports to core-js.


See here for a list of options supported by every polyfill provider.


string, defaults to "3.0".

This option only has an effect when used alongside "method": "usage-global" or "method": "usage-pure". It is recommended to specify the minor version you are using as core-js@3.0 may not include polyfills for the latest features. If you are bundling an app, you can provide the version directly from your node modules:

  plugins: [
    ["polyfill-corejs3", {
      "method": "usage-pure",
      // use `core-js/package.json` if you are using `usage-global`
      "version": require("core-js-pure/package.json").version

If you are a library author, specify a reasonably modern core-js version in your package.json and provide the plugin the minimal supported version.

  "dependencies": {
    "core-js": "^3.20.0"
  plugins: [
    ["polyfill-corejs3", {
      "method": "usage-global",
      // improvise if you have more complicated version spec, e.g. > 3.1.4
      "version": require("./package.json").dependencies["core-js"]


boolean, defaults to false.

This option only has an effect when used alongside "method": "usage-global" or "method": "usage-pure". When proposals are true, any ES proposal supported by core-js will be polyfilled as well.