@@ -71,15 +71,26 @@
<update id="update" parameterType="com.ozs.service.entity.MsgAppPush">
update msg_app_push
- <if test="status != null and status != 0">status = #{status},</if>
- <if test="updateBy != null and updateBy != ''">update_by = #{updateBy},</if>
+ <if test="status != null and status != 0">
+ status = #{status},
+ </if>
+ <if test="updateBy != null and updateBy != ''">
+ update_by = #{updateBy},
+ </if>
update_time = sysdate()
- where concat(push_id,id) = #{id}
+ <where>
+ <if test="pushId != null and pushId != ''">
+ and push_id = #{pushId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="id != null and id != 0">
+ and push_id = #{id}
+ </if>
+ </where>
<select id="messageMoreApp" parameterType="com.ozs.service.entity.vo.MsgAlarmVo" resultType="com.ozs.service.entity.MsgAlarm">
- select b.*, a.status, a.id as msgId
+ select b.*, a.status, a.push_id as msgId
from msg_app_push AS a
join msg_alarm AS b on a.alarm_id = b.alarm_id
join base_camera_management AS c on b.camera_code = c.camera_code