@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+package com.ozs.jpush;
+import cn.jiguang.common.resp.APIConnectionException;
+import cn.jiguang.common.resp.APIRequestException;
+import cn.jpush.api.JPushClient;
+import cn.jpush.api.push.PushResult;
+import cn.jpush.api.push.model.Message;
+import cn.jpush.api.push.model.Options;
+import cn.jpush.api.push.model.Platform;
+import cn.jpush.api.push.model.PushPayload;
+import cn.jpush.api.push.model.audience.Audience;
+import cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.AndroidNotification;
+import cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.IosNotification;
+import cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.Notification;
+import cn.jpush.api.schedule.ScheduleResult;
+import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
+import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+ * @Author : sunhh
+ * @create 2023/3/13 11:19
+ */
+public class JPushUtil {
+// AppKey : 1712ced750e33d75d18cb577
+// Master Secret : e4b8ba2eda2acd0f75177b88
+ private final static String APPKER = "1712ced750e33d75d18cb577";
+ private final static String MASTERSECRET = "e4b8ba2eda2acd0f75177b88";
+// private final static String APPKER = "2a59ed096611fb4b82f08a44";
+// private final static String MASTERSECRET = "a121413e4b89b0a4b3998fe0";
+ /**
+ * 推送给设备标识参数的用户
+ */
+ public static int sendToRegistrationId(List<String> alias, String notification_title, String msg_title, String msg_content, String extrasparam) {
+ JPushClient jPushClient = new JPushClient(MASTERSECRET, APPKER);
+ int result = 0;
+ try {
+ PushPayload pushPayload = JPushUtil.buildPushObjectAllAliasAlertWithTitle(alias, notification_title, msg_title, msg_content, extrasparam);
+ PushResult pushResult = jPushClient.sendPush(pushPayload);
+ if (pushResult.getResponseCode() == 200) {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ log.info("[极光推送]PushResult result is " + pushResult);
+ } catch (APIConnectionException e) {
+ log.error("[极光推送]Connection error. Should retry later. ", e);
+ } catch (APIRequestException e) {
+ log.error("[极光推送]Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e);
+ log.info("[极光推送]HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus());
+ log.info("[极光推送]Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode());
+ log.info("[极光推送]Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 推送给设备标识参数的用户(定时)
+ */
+ public static int sendToRegistrationId2(List<String> alias, String notification_title, String msg_title, String msg_content, String extrasparam, String time) {
+ JPushClient jPushClient = new JPushClient(MASTERSECRET, APPKER);
+ int result = 0;
+ try {
+ PushPayload pushPayload = JPushUtil.buildPushObjectAllAliasAlertWithTitle(alias, notification_title, msg_title, msg_content, extrasparam);
+ ScheduleResult scheduleResult = jPushClient.createSingleSchedule("测试", time, pushPayload);
+ if (scheduleResult.getResponseCode() == 200) {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ log.info("[极光推送]ScheduleResult result is " + scheduleResult);
+ } catch (APIConnectionException e) {
+ log.error("[极光推送]Connection error. Should retry later. ", e);
+ } catch (APIRequestException e) {
+ log.error("[极光推送]Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e);
+ log.info("[极光推送]HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus());
+ log.info("[极光推送]Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode());
+ log.info("[极光推送]Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 发送给所有安卓用户
+ */
+ public static int sendToAllAndroid(String notification_title, String msg_title, String msg_content, String extrasparam) {
+ JPushClient jPushClient = new JPushClient(MASTERSECRET, APPKER);
+ int result = 0;
+ try {
+ PushPayload pushPayload = JPushUtil.buildPushObjectAndroidAllAlertWithTitle(notification_title, msg_title, msg_content, extrasparam);
+ PushResult pushResult = jPushClient.sendPush(pushPayload);
+ if (pushResult.getResponseCode() == 200) {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ log.info("[极光推送]PushResult result is " + pushResult);
+ } catch (APIConnectionException e) {
+ log.error("[极光推送]Connection error. Should retry later. ", e);
+ } catch (APIRequestException e) {
+ log.error("[极光推送]Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e);
+ log.info("[极光推送]HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus());
+ log.info("[极光推送]Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode());
+ log.info("[极光推送]Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 发送给所有IOS用户
+ */
+ public static int sendToAllIos(String notification_title, String msg_title, String msg_content, String extrasparam) {
+ JPushClient jPushClient = new JPushClient(MASTERSECRET, APPKER);
+ int result = 0;
+ try {
+ PushPayload pushPayload = JPushUtil.buildPushObjectIosAllAlertWithTitle(notification_title, msg_title, msg_content, extrasparam);
+ PushResult pushResult = jPushClient.sendPush(pushPayload);
+ if (pushResult.getResponseCode() == 200) {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ log.info("[极光推送]PushResult result is " + pushResult);
+ } catch (APIConnectionException e) {
+ log.error("[极光推送]Connection error. Should retry later. ", e);
+ } catch (APIRequestException e) {
+ log.error("[极光推送]Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e);
+ log.info("[极光推送]HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus());
+ log.info("[极光推送]Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode());
+ log.info("[极光推送]Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 发送给所有用户
+ */
+ public static int sendToAll(String notification_title, String msg_title, String msg_content, String extrasparam) {
+ JPushClient jPushClient = new JPushClient(MASTERSECRET, APPKER);
+ int result = 0;
+ try {
+ PushPayload pushPayload = JPushUtil.buildPushObjectAndroidAndIos(notification_title, msg_title, msg_content, extrasparam);
+ PushResult pushResult = jPushClient.sendPush(pushPayload);
+ if (pushResult.getResponseCode() == 200) {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ log.info("[极光推送]PushResult result is " + pushResult);
+ } catch (APIConnectionException e) {
+ log.error("[极光推送]Connection error. Should retry later. ", e);
+ } catch (APIRequestException e) {
+ log.error("[极光推送]Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e);
+ log.info("[极光推送]HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus());
+ log.info("[极光推送]Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode());
+ log.info("[极光推送]Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 发送给所有用户(定时推送)
+ */
+ public static int sendToAll2(String notification_title, String msg_title, String msg_content, String extrasparam, String time) {
+ JPushClient jPushClient = new JPushClient(MASTERSECRET, APPKER);
+ int result = 0;
+ try {
+ PushPayload pushPayload = JPushUtil.buildPushObjectAndroidAndIos(notification_title, msg_title, msg_content, extrasparam);
+ ScheduleResult scheduleResult = jPushClient.createSingleSchedule("测试", time, pushPayload);
+ if (scheduleResult.getResponseCode() == 200) {
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ log.info("[极光推送]scheduleResult result is " + scheduleResult);
+ } catch (APIConnectionException e) {
+ log.error("[极光推送]Connection error. Should retry later. ", e);
+ } catch (APIRequestException e) {
+ log.error("[极光推送]Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e);
+ log.info("[极光推送]HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus());
+ log.info("[极光推送]Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode());
+ log.info("[极光推送]Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage());
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static PushPayload buildPushObjectAndroidAndIos(String notification_title, String msg_title, String msg_content, String extrasparam) {
+ return PushPayload.newBuilder()
+ .setPlatform(Platform.android_ios())
+ .setAudience(Audience.all())
+ .setNotification(Notification.newBuilder()
+ .setAlert(msg_content)
+ .addPlatformNotification(AndroidNotification.newBuilder()
+ .setAlert(msg_content)
+ .setTitle(notification_title)
+ //此字段为透传字段,不会显示在通知栏。用户可以通过此字段来做一些定制需求,如特定的key传要指定跳转的页面(value)
+ .addExtra("url", extrasparam)
+ .build()
+ )
+ .addPlatformNotification(IosNotification.newBuilder()
+ //传一个IosAlert对象,指定apns title、title、subtitle等
+ .setAlert(msg_content)
+ //直接传alert
+ //此项是指定此推送的badge自动加1
+ .incrBadge(1)
+ //此字段的值default表示系统默认声音;传sound.caf表示此推送以项目里面打包的sound.caf声音来提醒,
+ // 如果系统没有此音频则以系统默认声音提醒;此字段如果传空字符串,iOS9及以上的系统是无声音提醒,以下的系统是默认声音
+ .setSound("sound.caf")
+ //此字段为透传字段,不会显示在通知栏。用户可以通过此字段来做一些定制需求,如特定的key传要指定跳转的页面(value)
+ .addExtra("url", extrasparam)
+ //此项说明此推送是一个background推送,想了解background看:http://docs.jpush.io/client/ios_tutorials/#ios-7-background-remote-notification
+ // .setContentAvailable(true)
+ .build()
+ )
+ .build()
+ )
+ //Platform指定了哪些平台就会像指定平台中符合推送条件的设备进行推送。 jpush的自定义消息,
+ // sdk默认不做任何处理,不会有通知提示。建议看文档http://docs.jpush.io/guideline/faq/的
+ // [通知与自定义消息有什么区别?]了解通知和自定义消息的区别
+ .setMessage(Message.newBuilder()
+ .setMsgContent(msg_content)
+ .setTitle(msg_title)
+ .addExtra("url", extrasparam)
+ .build())
+ .setOptions(Options.newBuilder()
+ //此字段的值是用来指定本推送要推送的apns环境,false表示开发,true表示生产;对android和自定义消息无意义
+ .setApnsProduction(true)
+ //此字段是给开发者自己给推送编号,方便推送者分辨推送记录
+ .setSendno(1)
+ //此字段的值是用来指定本推送的离线保存时长,如果不传此字段则默认保存一天,最多指定保留十天,单位为秒
+ .setTimeToLive(86400)
+ .build()
+ )
+ .build();
+ }
+ private static PushPayload buildPushObjectAllAliasAlertWithTitle(List<String> alias, String notification_title, String msg_title, String msg_content, String extrasparam) {
+ //创建一个IosAlert对象,可指定APNs的alert、title等字段
+ //IosAlert iosAlert = IosAlert.newBuilder().setTitleAndBody("title", "alert body").build();
+ return PushPayload.newBuilder()
+ //指定要推送的平台,all代表当前应用配置了的所有平台,也可以传android等具体平台
+ .setPlatform(Platform.all())
+ //指定推送的接收对象,all代表所有人,也可以指定已经设置成功的tag或alias或该应应用客户端调用接口获取到的registration id
+ .setAudience(Audience.registrationId(alias))
+// .setAudience(Audience.registrationId(registrationId))
+ //jpush的通知,android的由jpush直接下发,iOS的由apns服务器下发,Winphone的由mpns下发
+ .setNotification(Notification.newBuilder()
+ //指定当前推送的android通知
+ .addPlatformNotification(AndroidNotification.newBuilder()
+ .setAlert(msg_content)
+ .setTitle(notification_title)
+ //此字段为透传字段,不会显示在通知栏。用户可以通过此字段来做一些定制需求,如特定的key传要指定跳转的页面(value)
+ .addExtra("url", extrasparam)
+ .build())
+ //指定当前推送的iOS通知
+ .addPlatformNotification(IosNotification.newBuilder()
+ //传一个IosAlert对象,指定apns title、title、subtitle等
+ .setAlert(msg_content)
+ //直接传alert
+ //此项是指定此推送的badge自动加1
+ .incrBadge(1)
+ //此字段的值default表示系统默认声音;传sound.caf表示此推送以项目里面打包的sound.caf声音来提醒,
+ // 如果系统没有此音频则以系统默认声音提醒;此字段如果传空字符串,iOS9及以上的系统是无声音提醒,以下的系统是默认声音
+ .setSound("sound.caf")
+ //此字段为透传字段,不会显示在通知栏。用户可以通过此字段来做一些定制需求,如特定的key传要指定跳转的页面(value)
+ .addExtra("url", extrasparam)
+ //此项说明此推送是一个background推送,想了解background看:http://docs.jpush.io/client/ios_tutorials/#ios-7-background-remote-notification
+ //取消此注释,消息推送时ios将无法在锁屏情况接收
+ // .setContentAvailable(true)
+ .build())
+ .build())
+ //Platform指定了哪些平台就会像指定平台中符合推送条件的设备进行推送。 jpush的自定义消息,
+ // sdk默认不做任何处理,不会有通知提示。建议看文档http://docs.jpush.io/guideline/faq/的
+ // [通知与自定义消息有什么区别?]了解通知和自定义消息的区别
+ .setMessage(Message.newBuilder()
+ .setMsgContent(msg_content)
+ .setTitle(msg_title)
+ .addExtra("url", extrasparam)
+ .build())
+ .setOptions(Options.newBuilder()
+ //此字段的值是用来指定本推送要推送的apns环境,false表示开发,true表示生产;对android和自定义消息无意义
+ .setApnsProduction(true)
+ //此字段是给开发者自己给推送编号,方便推送者分辨推送记录
+ .setSendno(1)
+ //此字段的值是用来指定本推送的离线保存时长,如果不传此字段则默认保存一天,最多指定保留十天;
+ .setTimeToLive(86400)
+ .build())
+ .build();
+ }
+ private static PushPayload buildPushObjectAndroidAllAlertWithTitle(String notification_title, String msg_title, String msg_content, String extrasparam) {
+ return PushPayload.newBuilder()
+ //指定要推送的平台,all代表当前应用配置了的所有平台,也可以传android等具体平台
+ .setPlatform(Platform.android())
+ //指定推送的接收对象,all代表所有人,也可以指定已经设置成功的tag或alias或该应应用客户端调用接口获取到的registration id
+ .setAudience(Audience.all())
+ //jpush的通知,android的由jpush直接下发,iOS的由apns服务器下发,Winphone的由mpns下发
+ .setNotification(Notification.newBuilder()
+ //指定当前推送的android通知
+ .addPlatformNotification(AndroidNotification.newBuilder()
+ .setAlert(msg_content)
+ .setTitle(notification_title)
+ //此字段为透传字段,不会显示在通知栏。用户可以通过此字段来做一些定制需求,如特定的key传要指定跳转的页面(value)
+ .addExtra("url", extrasparam)
+ .build())
+ .build()
+ )
+ //Platform指定了哪些平台就会像指定平台中符合推送条件的设备进行推送。 jpush的自定义消息,
+ // sdk默认不做任何处理,不会有通知提示。建议看文档http://docs.jpush.io/guideline/faq/的
+ // [通知与自定义消息有什么区别?]了解通知和自定义消息的区别
+ .setMessage(Message.newBuilder()
+ .setMsgContent(msg_content)
+ .setTitle(msg_title)
+ .addExtra("url", extrasparam)
+ .build())
+ .setOptions(Options.newBuilder()
+ //此字段的值是用来指定本推送要推送的apns环境,false表示开发,true表示生产;对android和自定义消息无意义
+ .setApnsProduction(true)
+ //此字段是给开发者自己给推送编号,方便推送者分辨推送记录
+ .setSendno(1)
+ //此字段的值是用来指定本推送的离线保存时长,如果不传此字段则默认保存一天,最多指定保留十天,单位为秒
+ .setTimeToLive(86400)
+ .build())
+ .build();
+ }
+ private static PushPayload buildPushObjectIosAllAlertWithTitle(String notification_title, String msg_title, String msg_content, String extrasparam) {
+ return PushPayload.newBuilder()
+ //指定要推送的平台,all代表当前应用配置了的所有平台,也可以传android等具体平台
+ .setPlatform(Platform.ios())
+ //指定推送的接收对象,all代表所有人,也可以指定已经设置成功的tag或alias或该应应用客户端调用接口获取到的registration id
+ .setAudience(Audience.all())
+ //jpush的通知,android的由jpush直接下发,iOS的由apns服务器下发,Winphone的由mpns下发
+ .setNotification(Notification.newBuilder()
+ //指定当前推送的android通知
+ .addPlatformNotification(IosNotification.newBuilder()
+ //传一个IosAlert对象,指定apns title、title、subtitle等
+ .setAlert(msg_content)
+ //直接传alert
+ //此项是指定此推送的badge自动加1
+ .incrBadge(1)
+ //此字段的值default表示系统默认声音;传sound.caf表示此推送以项目里面打包的sound.caf声音来提醒,
+ // 如果系统没有此音频则以系统默认声音提醒;此字段如果传空字符串,iOS9及以上的系统是无声音提醒,以下的系统是默认声音
+ .setSound("sound.caf")
+ //此字段为透传字段,不会显示在通知栏。用户可以通过此字段来做一些定制需求,如特定的key传要指定跳转的页面(value)
+ .addExtra("url", extrasparam)
+ //此项说明此推送是一个background推送,想了解background看:http://docs.jpush.io/client/ios_tutorials/#ios-7-background-remote-notification
+ // .setContentAvailable(true)
+ .build())
+ .build()
+ )
+ //Platform指定了哪些平台就会像指定平台中符合推送条件的设备进行推送。 jpush的自定义消息,
+ // sdk默认不做任何处理,不会有通知提示。建议看文档http://docs.jpush.io/guideline/faq/的
+ // [通知与自定义消息有什么区别?]了解通知和自定义消息的区别
+ .setMessage(Message.newBuilder()
+ .setMsgContent(msg_content)
+ .setTitle(msg_title)
+ .addExtra("url", extrasparam)
+ .build())
+ .setOptions(Options.newBuilder()
+ //此字段的值是用来指定本推送要推送的apns环境,false表示开发,true表示生产;对android和自定义消息无意义
+ .setApnsProduction(true)
+ //此字段是给开发者自己给推送编号,方便推送者分辨推送记录
+ .setSendno(1)
+ //此字段的值是用来指定本推送的离线保存时长,如果不传此字段则默认保存一天,最多指定保留十天,单位为秒
+ .setTimeToLive(86400)
+ .build())
+ .build();
+ }
+// public static void main(String[] args) {
+// List<String> alias = new ArrayList<String>();
+// alias.add("sunhh");
+//// alias.add("wangyy");
+// //sendToRegistrationId(alias, "中奖通知", "中奖通知", "恭喜你中了100个亿!", "https://www.baidu.com");
+// //sendToRegistrationId2(alias,"中奖通知", "中奖通知", "恭喜你中了100个亿!", "https://www.baidu.com","2021-07-14 17:54:00");
+//// sendToAllAndroid("中奖通知!!!!", "中奖通知!!!!!", "恭喜你中了100000000个亿!!!!", "https://www.baidu.com");
+// sendToAllIos("中奖通知", "中奖通知", "恭喜你中了100个亿", "https://www.baidu.com");
+// // sendToAll("中奖通知", "中奖通知", "恭喜你中了100个亿!", "https://www.baidu.com");
+// //sendToAll2("中奖通知", "中奖通知", "恭喜你中了100个亿!", "https://www.baidu.com","2021-07-14 17:54:00");
+// }