@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
base_camera_management a join base_railway_management r
on a.railway_code=r.railway_code
LEFT JOIN base_device_dynamic_management AS man ON a.camera_code = man.camera_code
- LEFT JOIN msg_alarm AS msg ON a.camera_code = msg.camera_code
<if test="railwayCode != null and railwayCode != ''">
and a.railway_code=#{railwayCode}
@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@
- CONVERT (r.railway_name USING gbk),a.install_mile,msg.is_lock,man.is_disable
+ CONVERT (r.railway_name USING gbk),a.install_mile
<select id="countCamera" parameterType="com.ozs.service.entity.vo.MsgAlarmVo" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
@@ -228,4 +227,90 @@
GROUP BY m.camera_code
ORDER BY cameraCount DESC
+ <select id="cameraManagementList" resultType="com.ozs.service.entity.BaseCameraManagement" parameterType="com.ozs.service.entity.vo.BaseCameraManagementVo">
+ a.id AS id,
+ a.camera_code AS cameraCode,
+ a.railway_code AS railwayCode,
+ a.channel AS channel,
+ a.dept_id AS deptId,
+ a.line_dir AS lineDir,
+ a.install_mile AS installMile,
+ a.begin_mile AS beginMile,
+ a.end_mile AS endMile,
+ a.install_longitude AS installLongitude,
+ a.install_latitude AS installLatitude,
+ a.card_num AS cardNum,
+ a.start_recording AS startRecording,
+ a.task_id AS taskId,
+ a.create_time AS createTime,
+ a.remark AS remark,
+ a.version_id AS versionId,
+ a.version_num AS versionNum,
+ a.version_name AS versionName,
+ a.last_version_num AS lastVersionNum,
+ a.measure_point_name AS measurePointName,
+ a.camera_sn AS cameraSn,
+ r.railway_type AS railwayType,
+ man.is_disable AS isDisable
+ base_camera_management a join base_railway_management r
+ on a.railway_code=r.railway_code
+ LEFT JOIN base_device_dynamic_management AS man ON a.camera_code = man.camera_code
+ LEFT JOIN msg_alarm AS msg ON a.camera_code = msg.camera_code
+ <where>
+ <if test="railwayCode != null and railwayCode != ''">
+ and a.railway_code=#{railwayCode}
+ </if>
+ <if test="isDisable != null and isDisable != 0">
+ and man.is_disable=#{isDisable}
+ </if>
+ <if test="cameraCode != null and cameraCode != ''">
+ and a.camera_code like concat('%', #{cameraCode}, '%')
+ </if>
+ <if test="lineDir != null and lineDir != 0">
+ and a.line_dir =#{lineDir}
+ </if>
+ <if test="deptId != null and deptId != 0">
+ and a.dept_id =#{deptId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="beginMile != null and beginMile != 0">
+ and a.install_mile >=#{beginMile}
+ </if>
+ <if test="endMile != null and endMile != 0">
+ and a.install_mile <=#{endMile}
+ </if>
+ <if test="installMile != null and installMile != 0">
+ and a.install_mile =#{installMile}
+ </if>
+ <if test="railwayType != null and railwayType != 0">
+ and r.railway_type =#{railwayType}
+ </if>
+ <if test="ids != null and ids.size>0">
+ and a.id in
+ <foreach item="items" collection="ids" separator="," open="(" close=")" index="">
+ #{items}
+ </foreach>
+ </if>
+ <if test="!dsFlay">
+ and
+ <trim prefix="(" prefixOverrides="or" suffix=")">
+ <if test="dsUserId != null and dsUserId != ''">
+ or a.create_by=#{dsUserId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="dsDeptId != null and dsDeptId != 0">
+ or a.dept_id=#{dsDeptId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="dsDeptIds != null">
+ or a.dept_id in
+ <foreach item="item" collection="dsDeptIds" separator="," open="(" close=")" index="">
+ #{item}
+ </foreach>
+ </if>
+ </trim>
+ </if>
+ </where>
+ a.install_longitude,msg.is_lock desc,man.is_disable desc
+ </select>